| Beauty

Ever since I started on my journey to create a skincare line, I’ve researched a lot about what actually goes into products. This all started two years ago when I had just given birth to Collette. For some reason, I started to get crazy breakouts on my skin. I used a certain makeup product by a certain brand, and my skin broke out in hives. I saw a dermatologist who told me I had eczema. My skin was breaking out cause it was dry due to my hormones being all over the place. I needed products that were pure and didn’t have so much crap in them.

As soon as I started doing research, I discovered how many toxic ingredients can be found in something as simple as a moisturizer. And something I was shocked to learn was that just because a product says it’s organic doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for you.

Here are some tips that I want to share with you guys that I learned as I am creating my first natural skincare product.


It’s important to not just look at what company made the product, but to check the back of the research what ingredients are being used. Don’t get intimidated by the long names; search online to see exactly what the ingredients are. A lot of products have fillers in them like silicon and emollients, which give the products a silky texture and slippery feel.


When it comes to skincare, don’t be fooled by the big names. The most important thing you need to look at is the product itself and its ingredient list. Choose the ingredients that work with your skincare concerns.


The more research I do, the more I realize that baby products are the safest way to go. From baby shampoo to baby moisturizer to baby oil: If it’s safe enough for a baby to use, then it’s good enough for an adult to use.

Those are some key things to keep in mind when it comes to shopping for pure products. I can’t wait to launch my own skincare brand. What I want to do with my first product is create something I found missing in the market that can help hydrate your skin without putting on layers of silicone or other ingredients that aren’t that beneficial for your skin.

It’s been a long journey over the past two years trying to create the line. As of now, I’m slated to launch my first product in November, and I can’t wait to share it with everyone.