How To Build A Beauty Empire : Melt Cosmetics

| Beauty, Interviews

Amazing things can happen, when you believe you can make it happen.

That is the story of Lora Arellano and Dana Bomar who have created a lipstick empire. The founders of Melt Cosmetics that are innovating the makeup game. The two coworkers were working the makeup counter at the Topanga mall back in 2012 when they decided to create a makeup line. Fast forward to 2017, the girls have created a beauty empire with their bold and creative products. They are also the stars of a new reality show, Lipstick Empire on Stage 13.

Lora and Dana stopped by my studio to talk about their new show, their growing empire and BEAUTY TRENDS!!! Oh yes, Lora did also talk about what it’s like being Rihanna’s go to makeup artist.

Check out this amazing interview below, you will be inspired and learn so much.