5 Ways to Prevent Entrepreneur Exhaustion

| Lifestyle, Personal

I’m gonna get straight to the point here: I LOVE being a working mom. And even though there are times when I feel like I can’t possibly find time in the day to do it all,
I’ve found that these little hacks help me to not pull my hair out from entrepreneur exhaustion.

Limit Your Caffeine Intake

This green tea latte art is actually so soothing!

For years, I thought loading up on coffee and caffeine would help me have the energy to get through the day, which I found out the hard way is definitely not the answer. I drink a ton of green tea instead! Not only is green tea great for you, it has a tiny bit of caffeine (so you get your fix), AND won’t make you crash like coffee does. Plus, it’s way more hydrating than coffee!

Take Small Breaks Throughout the Workday

When everything gets a little overwhelming, I take little 5, 10, 15 minute breaks to meditate right at my desk. It’s important to remember that you can’t always be all “go-go-go,” you’ll burn yourself out too quickly! I also find that actually getting up to leave your workstation for a quick break works also. Whether it’s walking to the coffee shop down the block or walking around the office, get your blood flowing!


Even if it’s only for 5 or 10 minutes at a time, every little bit helps!

Speaking of getting your blood flowing, it’s REALLY important to find the time to exercise — even if it’s just in tiny little spurts, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or simply just walking around your neighborhood. I also love, love, LOVE doing yoga, which is great because you can literally do it anywhere! Plus, some fresh air and sunlight never hurt anyone right? Just remember the SPF!


When you’re running a business, it’s crucial that you take time to take care of yourself! Eating healthy, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep is definitely important, but I also like to treat myself with a massage a few times a month. A lot of times, we don’t realize how much stress our body is carrying, which totally takes a toll on us, both physically and mentally. One of the coolest things I’ve found is this app called PRIV, where you can order beauty and wellness treatments straight to your home or office. It saves you time, which we all know we need more of in a day!


It’s important to take time away from your phone on the weekends too! Get outside and enjoy the day!

I know, I know, this one is the hardest to do, but trust me! It’ll quiet your mind so you can get the most out of your sleep (and your weekends)! I try not to sleep with my phone anywhere near my bed. You know how sometimes you get into bed and are like, “I’m just gonna scroll Instagram for 5-minutes” and then all of a sudden it’s 3 a.m. and you’re looking at DIY Christmas decorations on Pinterest even though it’s March? That’s the reason why I don’t go to sleep with my phone! Plus, it gives me a chance to literally shut off the world around me so I can get beauty sleep!

What are some ways you guys fight the working woman exhaustion we all know so well? Let me know in the comments!